Response Ability

10:59 AM

As an acupuncturist, I see a lot of patients who are interested in learning what action to take in order to become healthier. They ask questions about why their elbow hurts, why their digestion is sluggish, or why they suffer from chronic headaches. They want to know which specific steps they need to take in order to become healthier, and they are often surprised by my answer. I believe one of the most important steps we can take to become healthier starts with an examination of our own belief system about health, and specifically our accountability for our own health.

It is my opinion that the first, all-important step toward becoming healthier is accepting complete responsibility for one's current health situation, however negative it may be. For some, this is significantly more difficult than it may sound. You may find it much easier to blame your poor health on your bad back, your low metabolism, your genes, your dysfunctional immune system, your brittle bones, your low energy, or even your back luck. Yet, it strikes me as inconsistent and even slightly strange that we blame our poor health on body parts or systems, as though they were external entities. Rather than blaming your back, your metabolism, or your immune system, begin to recognize that you are your back, your metabolism, and your immune system. Your body isn't to blame. Your body is you, and you are ultimately responsible for you. Your body is an amazing instrument that should be responsibly cared for. By understanding this, we can begin to see our important role in creating health.

Only by accepting full accountability for our health, do we adopt the mindset that we are capable of improving our present health landscape. If we honestly believe that we created our current state of health, than we can logically deduce that we may create a better state of health. If you accept full responsibility for your health and agree that your actions and choices have lead to your current state of health, you acknowledge your capability of choosing different actions and making different choices that will lead you to become healthier.

If instead you choose to blame your poor health on various "outside" entities, you may believe, perhaps even unconsciously, that external entities have the power to keep you from becoming healthier, and worse yet, they may always do so. This intuitively decreases our own perceived chance of success in becoming healthier. The belief that elements outside of our control can keep us from becoming healthy may also decrease or even eliminate any incentive to take the necessary steps to become healthier. Conversely, by adopting the mindset of accountability, we inherently recognize our own ability and potential. If we are accountable for a lack of health, then we can just as easily be accountable for an abundance of health. With this attitude of responsibility, our actions matter, our choices matter, and our ability to create health is limitless.

This concept can be expressed through exploring the etymology of the word responsible. The word responsible derives from the Anglo-French word responsable, which implies being able to respond or capable of responding. In other words, we are able to respond when we choose to be responsible for our health. If we choose instead to blame a laundry list of items for our health woes, our ability to respond proactively diminishes and we are left feeling incapable of improving our own health.

Once this responsibility mindset is accepted and implemented, we are then empowered to make specific healthy choices and as a result, become healthier. Far too often, I see patients that are temporarily motivated to make healthy changes in their lives, but who fail to maintain that motivation because of a feeling of powerlessness. Thus, I feel the first and most important step should be accepting responsibility for your health. Once that principle is integrated into your belief system, you can begin to make improving your health a priority and incorporate into your life wise, healthy dietary and lifestyle choices. In this way, we tap into our unlimited potential to create a healthier reality.

About the author:
Peter Games is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Idaho. Peter owns and operates an acupuncture clinic in Boise with his wife (also a licensed acupuncturist). To learn more about their clinic or the Boise acupuncturists at their clinic, please visit

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All About Motivational Speakers

10:56 AM

Motivational speakers have some kind of special skill that motivates people to work harder or get inspired and change their attitudes and opinions. They use a number of tactics and techniques to inspire the people. The goal of a motivational speaker is to bring about a change in the lives of the people and thereby creating a positive vibe in them. These motivational speeches are conducted with the aim that they generate a spark back into a laid out team.

We all as employers have experienced that a team after a period of high achievements then becomes really unaware to the happenings of the office and they almost do not long to achieve any high standards. At this stage motivation acts as a dose. A motivational speaker acts a person who boosts up the new energy among the people; they are experts in their field. These speakers have achieved a high level of proficiency in their field and they have the expertise to pass it to the audience. They are the finest person who can find a number of ways to express views to the audience and bring in the change. Motivational speakers convey the tips that help the workplace to make it productive and more fruitful.

They also help to set the goals for the future which need to be achieved. The inspiring speeches try and add a new charm to the deteriorating teams; they shed in new energy in the teams and provide a path of direction to the teams with the standards which they need to acquire. They provide new methods for increasing the performance, new methods for improving the sales percent of the company, the speeches of the motivational speakers in a way help to improve the profitability of the organization. You can assess the performance of the motivational speakers by the after effects in the organization; a good speech would be heard in the employees even after it has been delivered.

For every business be it arts, field of sports, information technology, sales business, communication, human rights, it is very much essential that you find the right kind of motivational speaker that provides a new direction. Incase there exists a business then there has to be a motivational speaker who can drive the people with a new energy and inspire them to work hard. For every business there is a motivational speaker existing.
The motivational speakers are paid a specific amount of fee which is fixed prior to when they deliver the speech.

The fees depend on the length of the speech or even on the time duration for which they have to speak. Some companies also follow the trend of inviting motivational speakers for few consecutive weeks; the visit may be twice a week or once a week. In such case the staff will have to learn lots of things which could not be covered in a session. A last note to be kept in mind before hiring a professional speaker is to be specific as to what you are expecting from the motivational speaker.

About the author:
Ibrahim is a Copywriter of motivational speakers. He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit:Keynote Speaker, Motivational speakers,Keynote Speaker,Leadership Speaker,motivational speaker consultant,Inspirational Quotes,Funny motivational speaker

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Ten ways to re-motivate yourself fast

10:49 AM

The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed attention, the usual). Now I look back and say “how could let myself do this?” I feel as if I accomplished very little, and it’s time to buckle down again, put nose to the grindstone, and get some serious work done! But, how do I do it?

What I need is a way to get “super-motivated”, so I came up with a list of ways to really pile on the motivation. I came up with 10 pretty good ones, most of which I already was utilizing at least some of the time. Let me know if you have some more, I’m always trying to extend this list!

#1 – Change your routine - wake up earlier and be more productive. I usually try to get up at least one hour before l must leave for work, in order to do some quick exercises, go over my plan for the day, and make sure I’m ready to rock n’ roll first thing. I like to change this routine occasionally, so I don’t get in a rut. Even making an extra 20-25 minutes to prepare can leave you in a better mood to start the day.

#2 – Listen to motivational audio on the way to work. Or, if you work at home as I do sometimes, listen as you get ready to work. There are many motivational CD recordings out there, I use ones from Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, or Bob Proctor, but there are many good ones out there.

#3 – List to inspirational music! I don’t know about you, but nothing gets my blood pumping faster than great music that I love, such as some good Eric Clapton, Green Day, or other hard rock. But anything you have an emotional connection with will work, it’s like magic to pick up your mood.

#4 – Utilize self-talk or affirmations. I do a whole list of affirmations in the mornings, and usually at night as well. But any kind of positive self-talk can really motivate you if used correctly, it’s what you say to yourself that makes the difference.

#5 – Stay away from negative people. This may sound kind of cruel or unkind, but hey, let’s be honest. If you any friends that are really bringing you down, you must either let them know about it and hope they change, or stay away. Life is too short to hang around negative people, and don’t’ think it won’t affect you because eventually it will!

#6 – Take a positive action. Think about what you have been meaning to start, or stop recently. Something you have been putting off, maybe? Take that trip to the gym, start that new diet, finish that book you started 6 months ago, anything really. Just taking a positive direction towards something makes you feel more in control of things, which boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.

#7 – Start an exercise routine. Ok, I kind of covered this in the last point but it’s really important. This is critical to your physical and mental health, exercise is not an option it is a mandate. If you exercise regularly you will automatically add many years to your life and improve your outlook on life.

#8 – Try zero-based thinking. This is a simple but powerful concept to change your thought process. Is there anything in your life that you would stop doing, looking at the big picture? If you had to go back and do it again, would you? This can apply to a business, a hobby, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a choice you made on something that takes your time and energy. If you wouldn’t do it again, stop doing it now!

#9 – Reevaluate your schedule. Take a serious look at every little thing you do every day for a week. Are you wasting a significant amount of time doing something of little value? Either eliminate if from your life, or drastically cut down on this task or habit. Sometimes just rearranging your schedule can save you time as well, such as doing a “high-value” task early in the day while you’re wide awake and full of energy instead of after lunch when you’re tired.

#10 – Reward yourself. Sometimes it really helps to reward yourself after making a great effort. Why? Because psychologically a reward gives us a boost of pleasure after something that takes extra effort, which will encourage us to do it again. Sounds like “psyching” yourself out, right? Yes, you can fool yourself, although don’t take it to extremes or you will be doing more rewarding than working on moving forward.

These are just a few suggestions, I’m sure you can get creative and think of more. In fact I would encourage it! The more you can get in the habit of boosting your motivation, the more you will accomplish. In turn, you will boost your confidence in reaching the goals you have set for yourself and move faster and farther than you ever thought possible!

To your continued success and happiness!

About the author:
Doug Hart, CHO of

I've spent many years studying psychology, philosophy, NLP, and motivation. My particular focus is on the biggest question in life - what makes us happy? Join me
and together we can discover more about what makes you happier in life.
I think it's more of a journey than a destination, and I would like to make your journey much more exhilarating, passionate, loving, and unforgettable! Take the time to visit us at and find out why "you are what you
think about most", and how critical your success is to happiness!

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Giving back for your own happiness

11:06 AM

Today's topic is giving back - not only to make ourselves feel better, because it's the right thing to do, or because your church says you should. Those are all valid reasons to give back - but in my mind another one is often overlooked. I feel that many people work very hard at making money, getting ahead, providing for their families. That's great, don't get me wrong. However, we get so focused on bringing more "things" into our world we forget to balance things out by giving back! The universe is very adept at keeping track of this give and take, and those who don't give back once in awhile usually will run into some problem eventually. And doesn't it feel good just to do something helpful and nice for someone, with no expectation of anything in return? It's the habit that keeps on giving, because others will pass on the good will and help someone in return!

Is there something going on in the universe on a metaphysical level that makes everything balance out somehow? Believe what you want, I'm not here to tell you that it's a fact. I personally believe it's true though, it just seems too coincidental to me that the times I really feel that things are going in the wrong direction, I see an opportunity to help someone. Of course I try to be aware of these situations, once you know what to look for it's not hard. Just the other day, I saw a woman with a worried look on her face. She was getting out of her car, and raising the hood to check something. Behind me a car was speeding to get to the closest spot near this woman, and I sensed something was going on. As I got out of my car, I realized the man behind me was speeding to get to the spot I was parking in, because his mother was having car trouble on the other side and he wanted to park across to give her car a "jump" in case the battery was the problem.

I asked her if she need some help, and she said "no, thanks", that her son was a good mechanic. I was hoping I could help, but of course it wasn't my time. Being aware of others in need is something we need to practice, which is my point. Would this give me a "credit" for when my own car breaks down? Of course not, even if I did help out. That's not the reason I stopped, of course. The habit of giving causes us to help without thinking of anything but reaching out to others.

Have you ever wondered why certain things happened at the perfect time? As if some kind of divine intervention was conspiring to make things work out, just in the nick of time? These things happen to all of us I believe, and the only explanation is the universe paying us back. Next time you're really in a pinch, say you have $500 worth of bills to pay and only $400 in your bank account, something will come to the rescue. Unless, of course you've been taking too much from the universe and not giving enough back! Then, I'm afraid you may be bouncing some checks! Give it some thought, in the back of your mind, and see if it's something that happens to you. I believe it happens more than we realize!

To your continued success and happiness

About the author:
Doug Hart, CHO of

I've spent many years studying psychology, philosophy, NLP, and motivation. My particular focus is on the biggest question in life - what makes us happy? Join me
and together we can discover more about what makes you happier in life.
I think it's more of a journey than a destination, and I would like to make your journey much more exhilarating, passionate, loving, and unforgettable! Take the time to visit us at and find out why "you are what you
think about most", and how critical your success is to happiness!

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Why Meditate - Three Reasons

11:04 AM

Why meditate? You may already understand that it is very relaxing. In fact, try the simple meditation in this article and you'll feel more relaxed in just a few minutes. But there are other good reasons to meditate as well. Here are three of them.

Stress Reduction

The relaxation effect of meditation is not just a temporary thing. Research has shown repeatedly that those who meditate regularly have a reduced level of stress throughout their day. Given that stress has been implicated as a contributing cause to over half of modern illnesses, this isn't a small matter. The bottom line is that it is good for your health.

But stress reduction isn't just about health. It is also about quality of life and the quality of your decision making. The quality of life issue speaks for itself - who enjoys a life of stress? But the effect on your thinking is often overlooked.

When stressed out we tend to react according to the patterns that have been set in us over time. WE are not very open to new or creative solutions. Meditation helps us here tremendously. When are you more likely to make a good decision - when you are red-faced with stressful feelings or calmly and peacefully addressing an issue? Why meditate? To help yourself make better choices in life.

Self Awareness

When you sit quietly and allow yourself to watch your thoughts, even if it is only for a few minutes, you become aware of how much junk is in your own mind. This presents you with an opportunity to clean it up a bit, a chance to redirect your attention and allow better thoughts to prevail. Self awareness of this sort is crucial to your growth as a human as well as your success in the world.

A New Approach To Life

Along with that awareness that develops when you regularly meditate, you start to see that many of the ways you approach situations are counter-productive to your true values. For example, in watching your own thoughts while you sit quietly, you see that rushing so you can eventually have everything done and so relax is actually not the cure for stress, but a cause of it. Seeing things like this makes it possible to let go of old habits and approach life from a fresh perspective, more "in tune" with what is actually happening in the moment.

Contrary to what many think, this learning to "live in the now" does not preclude planning for the future. In fact, much of what prevents a better future can only be dealt with effectively if we stop and see what is going on in our own minds in a given moment. Our own thoughts mislead us and promise us all sorts of things if we just keep following their advice. For example, they tell us we need to worry so we will do what is necessary to prevent future worry. This is nonsense, of course, and we need to be here now to see that and correct it.

A Quick And Easy Meditation

This is almost as easy as it gets (okay, brainwave entrainment CDs are even easier). Just sit still, relax your muscles, close your eyes and breath deeply and slowly through your nose. Pay attention to your breath, and observe your busy mind as it brings up all sorts of thoughts. As it does so, keep returning your attention to your breathing, to the breath as it passes in and out of you nose.

Continue this for five or ten minutes. Of course there are many little tricks and techniques to make this easier and more effective, but this simple meditation will get you started. Why meditate? Try it a few times and you'll answer the question for yourself.

About the author:
Copyright Steve Gillman. Learn about Meditation CDs, and get the free Meditation Newsletter at:

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Human Relations as an aspect of Leadership

11:02 AM

The given piece of information throws light on various important aspects of communication in an organization. It also brings out how communication makes a difference in maintaining good human relations.

True Communication

Relationships are an integral part of human lives. Words are only superficial aspects as far as communication is concerned. If the communication is devoid of human interactions, words can never convey the exact meaning to the other person. Words are actually tools for generating an emotional experience inside us. Leaders often tend to neglect this human nature altogether. While reaching out to other people, they only focus on disseminating material information and tend to overlook human relationships.

Leadership talk is a tool used by leaders for connecting with the emotions of other. Before delivering the talk, leaders should properly assess two prime factors related with it. These are information and human relations communication. This pre-assessment will empower the leaders with mining relationships and generating good results.

An important aspect in this regard is to motivate and not order others in getting a job done by transferring your motivation over them with a proper talk for imparting information, communicating sensibly and working towards a common experience. Communicating experiences is infact the most effective method of promoting relationships and motivation.

Human Relations in an Organization

Human relations communication is cited amongst the most perplexing and difficult problems of modern organizations as establishing effective communication channels, though essential, are not usually easy. These channels are needed by managers for transmitting policies and orders, unifying groups and building co-operation., leading to employee involvement and good teamwork, conflict management and problem solving.

Communication is the most important tool used for motivating and improving the morale of an organization’s workforce. It helps in maintaining effective human relations and encourages suggestions, ideas and their implementation as and when applicable which leads to increased production and reduced costs on account of the fact that everyone is in sync with the organizational goals.

Communication is an essential ingredient of the functioning of any organization’s management. The success probabilities of any plans conceived at the management level depend upon how effectively the information, thoughts, ideas and opinions are shared between various levels of the organization.

If the organizational leaders are able to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, harmony will be established between the different departments and concerned people. Hence, the communication between the seniors and their subordinates should be clear, concise, and purposeful and connect generating.

Relationship Types

Human relationships occur at several levels between peers, supervisors and subordinates of an organization leading to the formation of formal as well as informal workgroups. The success of the organization is directly related to the success of these groups and its individuals which requires the supervisors and managers to be concerned for their workgroups by providing proper environment and perks. Good relationships are therefore required between the various workgroups and their individuals.

Establishing good quality human relations is a rather difficult task but there is no denying to the fact that success only comes when these relationships exist healthily within the organization with each individual prepared to help each other and face the challenges for their as well as the organizational welfare.

About the author:
Get to learn about different types of communication and how to improve your communication skills at

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